Sister Nurse Hinemoa and her siblings, magazine magnate Atawhai and prodigious businessman Petera, were raised in the glow of privilege – enjoying a whakapapa of sailing on the lake, gin with their Indian tonic water, coppertone on tanned Māori skin and a seemingly endless summer.
Long after their childhood at the lake, the race for wealth and empire has splintered the whanau and now too their children. Daughter of Hinemoa is child scientist Kiwi and son of Petera is champion gymnast Te Rawhitiroa. Of course Atawhai never had children, she prefers the company of her award winning horses. Cousins Kiwi and Te Rawhitiroa have grown up estranged from one another.
Finally the siblings have been called together – the Sister Nurse, the magazine magnate and the prodigious businessman – they must agree to expand the empire – even if it means destroying the world in the process.
Money can’t buy you happiness. No wait – maybe it can.