Melanie Allison

Melanie is a Kirikiriroa based playwright. They have been nominated for Playmarket’s Playwright’s B425 award five times since 2020, for My Incredibly Important Life, The Phantom’s Ecstatic Vision, Nowhere, baby, Cosmic Fuckery, and Daylight Savings.

They have recently been selected as an artist in residence for Creative Waikato’s Whiria Te Tāngata Programme. Melanie graduated from the University of Waikato in 2020, with a bachelor’s degree in English and Theatre Studies. They also have extensive experience in amateur theatre in both Kirikiriroa and the wider Waikato, finding their love of theatre in an amateur production of The Wizard of Oz.

Nowhere, baby was developed by Auckland Theatre Company and Red Scare Theatre Company, before having a successful season at Kirikiriroa’s Meteor Theatre.

Melanie is devoted to developing their skills in writing and bringing exciting new work to Aotearoa’s stages.