In small-town, rural, New Zealand the town of Maungakaka is in a recession, partly brought upon by the prosperity of the neighbouring town, Hillcrest. Their respective rugby clubs mirror this phenomenon. The once successful Maungakaka Rugby Club has been approached by their arch enemies, Hillcrest, to amalgamate and create one super club.
Despite initial reluctance from Maungakaka, the players gradually realise that they must put aside their own personal grievances against Hillcrest in order to do the best for the future of rugby in the area.
Along this comic and chaotic journey, the guys come to terms with the fact that maybe rugby isn’t the backbone of the community that it once was. They find that community strength and spirit can be found in the least likely place, namely the production of a male ballet in a fundraiser for the local school.
A 10 actor version is available on request.