A play collection ideal for the NZ Drama classroom and curriculum. This collection of short plays depicts contemporary high school life. Scenes range from 1-3 characters and all include particular learning goals.
The set requirements are minimal, roles are predominantly gender neutral and many are Zoom friendly. The scenes are split into 4 sections: 'Just me' (monologues), 'Snippets' (1-2 page duologues), 'Middle Ground' (3-4 page scenes) and 'A Little Bit More' (5-14 pages). Scenes can be performed individually, or together as a thematically linked production.
A one-off fee of $95 includes the script, photocopy rights and performance rights. This fee covers multiple use of individual scenes in the classroom or the full collection in a multi-year level production.
Email Playmarket at info@playmarket.org.nz for sample scenes and the package offer.