Who's who in child drama in New Zealand
Briefly notes the activities of the following people involved in teaching and/or producing with children. Russell Aitken, Mary Amoore, Christine Batstone, Wendy de la Bere, Mary Bryan, Canterbury Children's Theatre, Rosalie Carey, Peter Corrigan, Patrick Craddock, Rhona Davis, Russell Duncan, James Glover, Marilyn Gotlieb, I.C. Grenfell, Trevor Harle, Molly Harle, Derek Lynn John, Johnny Johnstone, John Kim, Julie Lankshear, Brenda Markham, Ralph McAllister, D.J. McAra, Bob McMurray, Sister Michelle, Joyce Mowbray, I.M. Moynihan, Caroline Ormond, Joy Payne, Jean Reid, Joan Reid, Lewis Rowe, Pat Snoxell, Anne Todd, George Webby.