Australasian Drama Studies 18

This edition, published in 1991 focusses on theatre and drama in New Zealand. 



Simon Garrett: Plays, playmakers and playhouses of recent New Zealand Theatre

Karen Sherry: Popular entertainment in Auckland 1870 – 1871

Peter Harcourt: Playscripts deposited for copyright registration

Judith Dale: Women’s theatre and why

Phillip Mann: Tragic Power in Vincent O’Sullivan’s ‘Shuriken’

Murray Edmond: New Zealand Theatre and the ‘other’ tradition

Roma Potiki: A Maori point of view

Stuart Hoar: A playwright’s perspective



Lisa Warrington: Renée’s writing for the theatre



Hone Tuwhare: In The Wilderness Without A Hat



Squatter, Victoria University Press 1988, Stuart Hoar

Billy, Victoria University Press 1989, Vincent O’Sullivan

Jones and Jones, Victoria University Press 1990, Vincent O’Sullivan

Children of the Poor, Hazard Press 1990, Mervyn Thompson

Land of the Moa, Victoria University Press 1990, George Leitch